Sunday, 15 March 2020


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Duties of the Auditor
The statutory duties of the auditor are as follows:
a) To make a report to the members of the company on all accounts and financial statements laid before the members in Annual General Meeting; 35
b) To state whether the financial statements of the company (or group of companies) show a true and fair view and have been properly prepared in accordance with the provisions of the code;
c) To consider if any information in the Directors’ Report is consistent with the accounts and to report the facts if there are any of such instances;
d) To form an opinion as to whether proper accounting records have been kept by the company; proper returns adequate for their audit have been received from branches not visited by them; the company’s Statement of Financial Position and its Statement of Comprehensive Income are in agreement with the accounting records and returns, and such information and explanations as he thinks necessary for the company’s officers. (these matters are reported on by “exception only” and that where the auditor is not satisfied, no mention is made in the report);
e) To outline in his report, details of directors’ remuneration, loans to officers, transactions involving directors and other connected persons (if not disclosed in the financial statements themselves);
 f) To make other special reports in various circumstances; and
g) To make a “statement of circumstances” when he ceases to hold the office for any reason.

The Rights of the Auditor
The statutory rights of auditors are as follows:
a) Right of access at all times to books of accounts and vouchers of the company;
b) Right to acquire from the officers, including the directors of the company, such information and explanations as are deemed necessary for the performance of the auditors’ duties;
c) The right to attend any general meeting of the company and to receive notices of, and other communications relating to any general meeting on any part of the business of the meeting which concerns them as auditors;
d) The right to apply to the court for directions in relation to any matter arising in connection with the performance of their functions under the Code, and to have the costs of any such application met by the company, unless directed by the court;
e) The right to be notified in writing in the event of an intended resolution to remove them or appoint some other persons in their stead, to submit a written statement which must be circulated to members and be read, if so required, at the general meeting;
f) The right, before accepting appointment as auditor of a company, to communicate with a retiring auditor, if any; and
g) The right to contract with a company, in addition to their statutory duties to the members of the company, expressly or by implication, to undertake obligations to the company in relation to the detection of defalcations, and advice on accounting, taxation, raising of finance and other matters


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